Tag Archive for: Simon Sinek

My Why

Started a phenominal book a few days ago – Start with Why, by Simon Sinek. FANTASTIC BOOK! Got me to thinking…last year I was approached a few times to do web design for other companies, as in do contract work. I bid on a couple but something just didn’t feel good about it. Why?

WHY did I quit my job at Genivar after 10 and half years?

WHY did I choose this path?

Not going to lie, it’s totally because I LOVE IT. But why is it that I want Unlimited BS to be strictly about small business?

Because I like the little guy. Not just the new ones, but small business in general and I think that even though they may have a small budget trying to get the ball rolling, they still deserve the same opportunities as the big guy with loads of cash burning a hole in his pocket.

And doesn’t it seem the little guy seems to always have crazy passion for what they do? I THRIVE on that!

In my short time in this industry, I’ve met some pretty incredible clients doing some pretty cool things. Learning about what drives them, what they have to offer is what drives me. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and I love that.

THAT is why I can’t contract myself out and be a middle man. I NEED the part of my job that is getting to know about your business…from you. The part where we sit down (over coffee!) and you share your love for your job. I love that part as much as the actual building of the website.

I’m only 4 chapters in…but this is what I’ve discovered about Unlimited BS so far…that is my WHY!


This quote was in my email this morning and I love it.

Companies, like people, should never change who they are so others will like them; they should find those who like them for who they already are. ~ Simon Sinek

It is so in line with the conversations I’ve had the past couple days with Clients, and with friends. You don’t need to put on an act, or be who you aren’t to gain business. Just be authentic. People see through bullshit. Maybe not immediately…but eventually.

I think there is a lot of pressure to be something out-of-the-box, stand out, shock factor, huge, over the top and attention getting.

I’m over it. In my head, out of the box is the new in the box with the lid taped neatly shut.

Don’t try so hard. Be you.