Tag Archive for: passion

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’ve never had the answer to that question. Ever. And if I were to be 100% honest, I still don’t.

Did you have one of those School Day Treasures books growing up? I think they were from Regal. Well every school year had a spot to write what you wanted to be when you grew up.

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All my entries were “don’t know”, nurse, or veterinarian. Coincidentally, that’s what two of my best friends wanted to be.

They truly DID want to be those professions. They had some seed of it planted in their very being.

Either I never had a seed or I just didn’t water it, but I can truly say I’ve never had the strong push towards a certain career. I’ve always just started something and ended up loving it.

Except Subway. And I even loved it until they wanted me to wear a visor. Seriously…who wears a visor???!

When I was probably 5 years old, a friend and I buried a dead mouse in a Mr. Bones candy coffin. (I’m a farm kid so gross is second nature to me. 🙂 ) As an adult I did spend a few years pining over becoming an Embalmer and Funeral Director, so maybe that was my seed? If so, that seed has now been buried, I will never be an Embalmer or a Funeral Director.

So if I had to fill in the “What do you want to be when you grow up?” form today? I’d still draw a blank, knowing that I love what I do today, but there is always something bigger waiting for me behind that next corner…and then the next, and the next.

What would  you check off? Same as when you were a kid? A new graduate from high school? University?

Eff the Shame

What am I all about these days?

Staying jacked up. Staying excited about my work, my life.

I magically ended up at this random website that is based halfway across the world, more than once. That’s got to be a sign right? So, I signed up for some work to get to the heart of what I’m about…which leads also to what my business is about. Because I’ve always said “small business web design” but YAWN. WHY am I small business web design…this I’m getting to the bottom of.

Will discovering WHY you do what you do feel like your “true calling” or some sort of “soulmate” action?

pfffft. I’m going to say no. At least not in my world…but I’m sooo not a romantic so maybe it will for you! (If it does, please don’t tell me or I’ll be jealous)

It WILL however, feel like excitement, like clarity, and maybe even like your insides are dancing. That my friends, is frickin awesome. Who  doesn’t want to feel like that?! I can tell you I most certainly do. It’s a drug…and makes me want more and more to get in tune to how I can live like that…


How did I get here? A long road. Like really long, and it punched out a few times along the way with some crippling self doubt. But I’m here now! I’m proud of my business. I’m proud of my ethics. I’m proud of my work and what I do for my Clients.

Sadly there were times I couldn’t say that. Times of shame. Frickin shame you guys, it’s a killer. Shame that I didn’t have the knowledge to build a site from scratch, to code it. Shame that I use pre-made themes to create websites for my Clients. Shame that I never went to college for this or have any certifications in design.


Operating from a place of shame is the shits. You can’t be truly confident in your work when your ego is veiled in shame. It makes running your own business mentally exhausting.

And now?


Why? Because I’m creating websites that are bang on to my Client’s brands. I feed on their excitement and vibration they have going on when they speak of their business. I’m getting to know them. And there is a REALLY good chance I now consider them friends.

Is that wonky? A weird way to operate a business? Ya…probably. But being weird is not something I’ve ever denied being.

Maybe that’s what makes Unlimited BS different. And maybe, that’s why we should work together 🙂