Ronald McDonald House

I’m not going to lie, this past year I’ve felt inundated with charitable donation requests, events and fundraisers. It’s tough, you want to support them all; the ones that are marketed in such a way that it’s fun to participate, the ones that affect your friends and family, and the international programs that tug at your heartstrings, and of course the ones that involve a sweet wide eyed kid on your doorstep.

You can’t possibly do it all, so you choose what feels right.

The Ronald McDonald House feels right for me. When Larry Mathieson started tweeting about its construction probably a year ago I felt excited. I’ve had friends who have used these facilities in other cities and thought wow, this is so awesome for Red Deer. No, this is HUGE for Red Deer. Not only that, but Larry struck me as an honest, sincere, caring man that I trusted. (relationships built on twitter people, i can’t say enough!)

So when Angie asked me if I wanted to join her in taking the Orientation so that we can go in to the House and prepare meals for families there I was IN. What a great way to help. In my world food is comfort (yes I know Trainers, but it is!) and if we can provide home cooked meals to these families that are under insane stress and give them even a tiny bit of comfort in their day, count me in.

Can’t wait to get started!!

1 reply
  1. Deanna
    Deanna says:

    squee!! its such a wonderful house. I love every minute that I have been in there this past few months! I, too, can now proudly just say no thank you to most requests. I just simply say with a huge smile on my face, my charity of choice is the Central Alberta Ronald McDonald house!


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