
Authenticity in social media, is that even a real thing?

Everyone talks about it but is it really going on?

I’ve always considered myself pretty authentic. I say what I mean and mean what I say…pretty much to a fault.

HOWEVER, social media puts that authenticity into question, even for those of us who think authentic will be carved in our gravestone.

Because if I really think about it….no I most definitely do not put all of me out there. I don’t put relationship issues, sicknesses, or drama out. I put my highlight reel.

It’s not in an intentional

“hey look at us all loving life and shit! Yay us! You want to be us!”

way. It’s so not.

I just find repeatedly seeing negative, fear mongering, passive aggressive and poor me statuses/posts/shares don’t do anyone any good. Sure, once in a while it may make someone feel like they aren’t alone in their struggles which is helpful, but all the time is just not helping anyone.

Am I not being authentic because I’m not showing the miserable moments in life or sharing my problems?

Can authenticity and social media co-exist? Share on X
I think so. We just have to remember we’re only seeing one part of what makes up that individual. There’s more to that package on the other side of the computer.


2 replies
  1. Karen
    Karen says:

    When my FB memories pop up, I regularly cringe at how I used to use that platform. I was *very* authentic back then. How much I have grown and changed since, thank goodness!

    I think there are ways that I can post about the difficult stuff, ways that push people forward instead of pull people down. I think it’s not necessarily about being authentic as much as it is as being fully aware of filters – what I am comfortable sharing and how that impacts my entire “audience” as it were. Do I always get it right? Ha! Not by a long shot, but I know I put much more consideration into my postings now.

    I’ve never considered that to be me not being authentic. And maybe, social media isn’t where we need to be the most ‘authentic’. Perhaps we are meant to be that in real life, in our face to face, on the ground relationships. Social media is surface stuff.

    • Brenda Sargeant
      Brenda Sargeant says:

      Oh I LOVE this! “maybe, social media isn’t where we need to be the most ‘authentic’. Perhaps we are meant to be that in real life, in our face to face, on the ground relationships. Social media is surface stuff.”



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